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Newsletter policy


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The respect of your pricay and of your security are essential for our organization.

Our web site uses up-to-date techniques to protect the transactions that are made. Even if some risks remain, we can assure you that booking a package or buying a gift card on our web site is as safe as paying your bill in a restaurant with your credit card.

We do not collect personal information on our website, aside from those that you communicate with us. These informations are only used to offer the services that you are asking from us. Unless otherwise clearly noticed, no personal information, email address or other is sold, rented, exchanged or communicated with anyone.

We never abusively send emails. You can subscribe to receive free information on our products. You will always have the freedom to cancel your subscription on your own, without having to give us any explanations.

If you have any question regarding the respect of your privacy and your security, do not hesitate to communcate with us.

You can also check the information that we have on you. However, we can not transmit those information by phone or by email, in order to protect your privacy. Therefore, you need to send us a written demand.