Whapmagoostui- which means “Place of the Beluga” in Cree is the northern most Cree community, located just above the 55th parallel. Although there is no road access to the community, it is easily accessed by Air Creebec and Air Inuit from Montréal.
An absolute hub of different cultures and heritage, Whapmagoostui, offers the most exceptional environment, situated at the mouth of the Grande rivière de la Baleine, directly on Hudson Bay.
Whapmagoostui, is the home to about 1009 Crees - living side by side with the Inuit community of Kuujjuarapik, with its 702 inhabitants. This is the opportunity to discover two authentic aboriginal cultures in one visit.
Visitors can spend time on windswept beaches, go for an ATV ride on trails into the wilderness, see scattered stands of spruce trees and vast expanses of tundra; and go on a canoe ride for bird watching to Manitounuk Sound, an archipelago just off the coast. Aside from traditional outdoor activities, the community provides health, recreational and indoor sporting facilities, accommodations, restaurants, stores, a nightclub, and a mini-casino.
Are you familiar with Wachiya?
Discover Cree arts and crafts products from Eeyou Istchee by visiting their new online store!
Whapmagoostui ᐙᐱᒫᑯᔥᑐᐃ

Accès par avion seulement / Access by airplane only
J0M 1G0
819 929-3364 ext 258
Spoken language(s) : English
Nearby activities
Body of water
Wildlife viewing